Daer Shipbaoers,
As COVID-19 is more serious in Taiwan.
The export control of prohibited anti-virus products
especially mask products is strengthen.
ShipBaoer please be reminded again.
There is no transshipment of mask products
in Taiwan warehouse until 30 April 2020.
(maybe postpone until further official announcement)
And product information should be delcared in detail.
All prohibited goods shall be forfeited by Customs.
if there is any
Buyers are responsible for all the penalty
and its related expenses.
And it will delay the efficiency of the warehouse operation.
Thanks for your kind attention and co-opeation.
Lots of enquiry were received recently.
ShipBaoers please send your enquiry to Facebook Messenger or ShipBao App
if our enquiry hotlines were not get through.
Shipbao Ltd.